Perform the assignment of somatic mutational signatures to patients given a set of observed counts x and signatures beta.
normalize_counts = TRUE,
lambda_rate_alpha = 0.05,
max_iterations_lasso = 10000,
seed = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
count matrix for a set of n patients and 96 trinucleotides.
beta to be fixed during the estimation of alpha.
if true, the input count matrix x is normalize such that the patients have the same number of mutation.
value of LASSO to be used for alpha between 0 and 1. This value should be greater than 0. 1 is the value of LASSO that would shrink all the exposure values to 0 within one step. The higher lambda_rate_alpha is, the sparser are the resulting exposure values, but too large values may result in a reduced fit of the observed counts.
Number of maximum iterations to be performed during the sparsification via Lasso.
Seed for reproducibility.
boolean; Shall I print all messages?
A list with the discovered signatures and their assignment to patients. It includes 2 elements: alpha: matrix of the assigned exposure values beta: matrix of the discovered signatures