All functions |
germline replication error |
COSMIC replication error |
example of results obtained with the function nmf.LassoCV on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016). |
import.trinucleotides.counts |
example of imported data from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016). |
lambdaRangeAlphaEvaluation |
lambdaRangeBetaEvaluation |
example of results obtained with the function evaluate.lambda.range on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016). |
trinucleotides mutation categories |
nmfLasso |
nmfLassoBootstrap |
nmfLassoCV |
example of results obtained with the function nmf.LassoK on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016). |
point mutations for 560 breast tumors |
patients.plot |
sigAssignmentCV |
sigAssignmentEvaluation |
sigAssignmentLasso |
signatures.plot |
a reduced version of the point mutations for 560 breast tumors in the format compatible with the import function |
startingBetaEstimation |
example of results obtained with the function starting.betas.estimation on the counts input from Nik-Zainal, Serena, et al. (2016). |